Monday, 12 March 2012


The flesh always provides a way of entrance into sin and ease of giving into temptation.
The Holy Spirit always provides a way of escape that leads to victory over sin and temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13)
Christian courting will allow you to see clearly whether or not you are equally yoked. (2 Corinth. 6:14)
The importance of this is the other person can understand why you, as a Christian and a lady or gentleman, don’t want to have sex before marriage.He or she can cooperate with you to mutually agree and help each other to stay pure.
The world has strayed so far from old fashioned living and its principles of Christian courtship. People would have you believe that those conservative ways are impractical and irrelevant.
That is just not true! It is realistic. It is still the best way to live and engage in a premarital relationship!

Realize that any attempt on the other person's part to get you to have sex is just the flesh talking. Don't go down that road. Neither of you will die if you wait to live together and have sex until you have sealed your commitment to each other in marriage.
Help each other out. Remind each other lovingly but firmly of your goal and decision. Encourage each other to keep your standards high.
Stay in communion with God. Get each other off your minds long enough commit your ways and plans to Him.

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