Jesus Christ: The Greatest Possibility Thinker Who Ever Lived
(from "Endless Possibilities, Far and Great Horizons")
Jesus truly believed that common people can become incredibly powerful beings. He knew without a shadow of doubt that ordinary people could become extraordinary people, if they could merely become possibility thinkers.
The claims of Jesus:
"I am the good shepherd." (John 10:11)
"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved. (John 10:9)
"I am the bread of life." (John 6:35)
"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit." (John 15:5)
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, except through Me." (John 14:6)
"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." (John 11:25)
Being a follower of Christ is offering yourself to Him and following His teachings: Your mind for Christ to think through. Your heart - for Christ to love through.
Your lips for Christ to speak through. Your hands - for Christ to touch through.
WHEN the spirit of Christ lives within you...
* Your problems will turn into great opportunities. Incredible, amazing opportunities for growth!
You will: * Have the strength to tackle your opportunities with divine strength and succeed.
* Pick up the broken hopes of your unfulfilled aspirations in life, your shattered dreamsand have the courage and resilience to start over gain.
* Dream great dreams and one day see them come to pass. God can dream a greater dream for your life than you could ever have imagined.
* Become a truly great person - like Jesus himself. Become the very BEST YOU that you are capable of being. With God, Jesus beside you and the Holy Spirit inside you nothing is impossible... and let your spirit soar like an eagle.
"Lord, show me the person You want to speak to through my life today."
From The New Possibility Thinkers Bible by Robert H Schuller and Paul David Dunn (by Thomas Nelson Inc, 1996) *
Jesus was not just a figure from history and the Bible a series of stories ("fairy-tales"), I truly believe. It's a way of presenting the Word of God. Jesus entered into a new form of existence with His "wealth of spirit". Christ is a beacon, "the anchor of our faith".Christianity is not a series of "do's and don't's", but a living faith that transforms lives, as people meet a risen saviour."
Jesus lived in a war zone, as do modern children in the Middle East. He gave a voice to the voiceless. The silent Jesus symbolises all who cannot speak clearly for themselves. (Are we listening to their enforced silence?). Jesus responded with compassion to human cries. Jesus showed unconditional love and all people, whether religious or not, can embrace love. Peace and goodwill is for ALL to celebrate, but God needs human beings in partnership to help peace become a reality for others.
Listen to the silence of the voiceless, the message of Jesus and ACT according to that divine spirit that lies in every one of us.
Following the teachings of Jesus shows us ways of living and principles that we can ALL learn. Something WILL happen in your life. God WILL change things. These are simple principles, that can dramatically change our lives for the better.
Choose hope despite your circumstances. God has the amazing ability to bring make something beautiful out of brokeness in our life. Amazing! God can take an ordinary person, any situation and turn it into something amazing. Jesus, the Hope-Giver will use your life for good.
It was a defining moment in my life; it sculpted who I am today. God uses our deepest valleys. He can take any situation in life and use it for His glory. Changes people, regardless of their circumstances. Jesus gives us HOPE. It's a CHOICE - He WILL be faithful.
The unlimited power of Christ to change lives. You too can be filled with His limitless generosity of spirit. A "spark in the soul" can lead to snow-capped peaks of accomplishment.
God never gives up on His children
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